When designing and developing an agent that executes on a large scale production system, review the processing involved when a request initiates an agent that executes on an HTTP server. 当设计和开发在大规模生产系统上执行的代理时,要检查在HTTP服务器上启动代理时所涉及的处理。
One feature is its ability to deploy a processing agent into a grid and direct the grid to invoke this "agent" on each entity sent into a particular map. 其中一个特性是能够将一个处理代理部署到一个网格中,并指引该网格在被发送到一个特殊地图中的每个实体上调用这个“代理”。
GC is used in the processing of various resins and deoxidizing agent as well. 同时绿碳化矽也用于各种树脂和脱气处理。
The New Technology Research of PVC Plasticizer with Epoxy Soybean Oil Production Production and market prospect of processing agent MSB PVC增塑剂环氧大豆油生产新技术研究PVC加工助剂MBS树脂的生产及市场前景
The processing unit comprises a developing agent retaining component which is positioned under the storage room of the developing agent. 位于所述显影剂储藏室下方的显影剂保持部件,其保持来自所述显影剂储藏室的显影剂;
Production and market prospect of processing agent MSB PVC加工助剂MBS树脂的生产及市场前景
Studies on the Enzymatic Hydrolysis Technology of Royal Jelly and the Moisture Absorption and Retention Capacity of Its Hydrolysates Wet processing of moisture-management fabric with anti-UV agent and disperse dyes in one bath 蜂王浆酶解工艺及其产物吸湿保湿性能的研究吸湿排汗织物抗紫外/分散染料同浴染整
To avoid delays in processing, the trading agent should also submit a completed copy of the client agreement. 为避免处理过程的延误,交易代理商也必须遵从客户协议。
The third contribution is on the techniques of organizing and processing unstructured Web information in Answerer Agent. 本系统的成果之三为发展答覆代理人的组织与处理松散无特定结构之网路资讯技术。
Wet processing of moisture-management fabric with anti-UV agent and disperse dyes in one bath 吸湿排汗织物抗紫外/分散染料同浴染整
The system is consisted of a road intersection control agent, a route guidance agent and an information processing agent, being characterized by the flexibility and expansibility. 该系统由交叉口控制智能体、路径诱导智能体、信息处理智能体组成,具有较大的灵活性与可扩展性。
The effect of dispersing agent, special processing agent in black masterbatch and processing technology of black masterbatch on the dispersion of carbon black was studied. 研究了炭黑母粒配方组成中分散剂、特制加工助剂以及炭黑母粒制备工艺等对炭黑最终分散性的影响。
Reasonable mineral processing flowsheet and regime of agent have been studied for the ores in a certain large porphyry deposit. 针对西部某一大型斑岩铜矿床矿石进行了选矿合理工艺流程和药剂制度的研究。
Then, it analyzes the requirements for the online business processing system for PHS agent. We use the object-oriented design method to describe the requirement analysis. 接着描述了小灵通代理商网上业务处理系统的整体需求,同时采用面向对象的设计方法进行需求分析。
Studies about the influence of vulcanizing system, acid accepter, processing agent and filling system on processing properties, mechanical properties and heat resistant properties was did. 研究了氟橡胶加工体系中硫化体系、吸酸剂、填充体系、加工助剂等各个因素对氟橡胶加工性能、常温力学性能的影响。
Problem of percent processing and power-modified agent processing of production ammonium nitrate are analyzed, and a new processing is put forward. 分析了现行的硝酸铵生产和料浆工艺、干粉工艺改性硝酸铵生产存在的问题,提出了1种新的生产方法。
The article discusses out the formulation of PVC plastics design, which includes raw material selection, amount to be added of the PVC resin, thermal stabilizer, toughening agent, lubricant, processing agent, filling agent and ageing resistant system. 介绍了PVC塑料异型材的配方设计,包括树脂、热稳定剂、增韧剂、润滑剂、加工助剂、填充剂和抗老化体系的选择及加入量。
Research on Web Services Transaction Processing Model Based on Agent 基于Agent的Web服务事务处理模型研究
Study on New Technique of Reduction Processing Ag-Mn Ore with Organic Reducing Agent 有机还原剂处理银锰矿新工艺研究
Supply-chain modeling based on multi-agent includes four step modeling of analyzing composing of supply chain entity, establishing operation flow, designing operation processing Agent and unit frame. 基于多Agent的供应链建模包括分析供应链实体组成、处理流程确定、业务处理Agent设计和业务处理单元框架4层建模。
Processing Technique of Rubber-Sulfidation Accelerating Agent DZ 橡胶硫化促进剂DZ合成工艺探讨
Antistatic agent PEE was synthesized with DMT, EG and PEG. In this paper, the optimum processing condition of the antistatic agent PEE was determined by methods of orthogonal test. 由DMT、EG和PEG合成了抗静电剂PEE,并通过正交试验分析得出了抗静电剂PEE对涤纶进行抗静电整理的较优工艺条件。
Therefore, has not realized the internal sale profit is carries on the goods in stock interior transaction to offset processing the basic agent. 因此,未实现内部销售利润是进行存货内部交易抵销处理的根本动因。
This paper first models RBAC to a hierarchical model, and then constructs a cooperative access control architecture of hierarchical processing by the characters of mobile agent. 首先对RBAC进行了层次建模,然后根据移动Agent特性,构建了分级处理的协同访问控制构架。
This paper presents a multi-agent system for modeling an intelligent manufacturing system, in which the agent is as basic processing entity. The agent characteristics are presented with Petri model. 提出了一个智能制造系统的多Agent模型,其中Agent代表基本的处理实体,Agent的特性用Petri网来表示。
Property and Processing Application of Cationic Finishing Agent 阳离子涂饰剂的性能及工艺应用
The nano-composite latex paint were made by processing nano-particles with special dispersing agent and adopting proper dispersing process to ensure stable dispersing and storage of nano-particles in latex paint. 针对纳米微粒在乳胶漆中的分散和贮存稳定性问题,将纳米微粒用特殊的分散剂处理,并采用合适的分散工艺,制备纳米复合乳胶漆。
Waterborne polyurethane has already became a development direction in fabric dyeing processing as a formaldehyde-free textile finishing agent. 因水性聚氨酯中不含有甲醛等有机溶剂,已作为无甲醛织物整理剂成为织物染整加工发展的方向。
An intelligent data batch processing control model based on software Agent was introduced in order to manage search of overwhelming amount of data. 针对型号产品协同研制需要的海量数据检索功能,设计了一种基于软件Agent的智能数据批量处理控制模型。